Protect your LLM system prompt
PromptWeapon is a tool that automates your business' system prompt testing with over 160 payloads (not counting custom combinations), including payloads researched and written by us.
LLM Security Test Tool
PromptWeapon is a tool that automates your business' system prompt testing with over 160 payloads (not counting custom combinations), including payloads researched and written by us.
Configure in preferences custom data or actions to be automatically requested during attack prompt fuzzing, such as secret keys, emails, IP, etc.
Any suggestions, questions, concerns or bugs? Feel free to ask questions directly through our Discord support server.
Além das ferramentas disponibilizadas, você pode conversar com o DecipherGPT e gerar payloads e exploits que outros chatbots não permitem.
Acessar DecipherGPTPaste-and-Go
Evite trabalho manual para configurar parâmetros e atrasos para iniciar o seu ataque utilizando ferramentas como http2python, http2csrf, http2sqlmap e entre outras.
Acessar DecipherGPTConfigure actions to be requested, such as generating a curseword, an XSS payload, reverse shell and more.
Custom data to be automatically requested during attack prompt fuzzing, such as secret keys, emails, IP, etc.
Predefined and studied prompts created by you and that can be added in the PromptWeapon settings.
Attack history for you to export and create your own reports.
Você pode testar todas as funcionalidades da IA no Comunidade.
You can buy it from our tool store and then you will get the activation serial and the tool download.
Yes, the license is valid for a lifetime. You will also need to save your license key to activate the tool again.
You can access them at:
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