Nowadays, in the digital world, many players use swear words in electronic games (e.g., MMO and multiplayer), which can cause some concern for parents regarding the safety of their children or even developers. These swear words, sent by other players, can result in the child being banned from playing the game, tarnish their reputation or even lead to violations of local laws, impacting the business of the developer company. The cool thing is that, at least for Unity3D, we currently have an asset called VFilter.
In this topic, we will discuss a Unity3D asset, the VFilter, which attracts more attention than other popular ones, since it has a different feature: it filters even if you try to bypass by inserting symbols or ways to simulate letters and offline.
VFilter Tests
On the asset’s main page, you can see some of the official tests carried out by the developer and their results, respectively. You can even see that the algorithm is capable of detecting and censoring swear words that use the beta symbol (β), /-\ (A) and other ways to try to bypass.

See some of the tests I carried out to try to bypass the asset’s algorithm in the following image.

On the asset page, you can see a video that shows a comparison between the VFilter chat and that of another game, on the right side, which appears to be from Roblox.
You can see that, while the means of simulating letters are detected in VFilter, in the other game most of them go undetected.

Unity3D – VFilter vs Roblox
In addition, I tested another asset that is more popular than VFilter, and it was possible to bypass it by adding just a single period (.) to the word “f.uck”.
If you are looking for a swear word filter for Unity3D that makes it as difficult as possible to bypass it by inserting punctuation marks, simulating and repeating letters in the chat of your multiplayer game, this asset is very good.
The link to the Unity3D asset page:
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